Q: What time are Check-in and Check-out?

A: Check-in time is 3:00 pm, Check-out 10:00 am. Check-in is until 11:00 pm. Please contact us in advance regarding check-in after 23:00.

Q: Would you keep my baggage until check-in time?

A: Sure, we will accept your baggage.

Q: Is the Internet available?

A: Two large screen Apple computers are free to browse the Internet any time. If you bring in your lap-top, through Wi-Fi, you can connect without any trouble in your own room.

Q: Is smoking allowed?

A: All rooms are non-smoking. However, we do have designated smoking area on each floor, which is outside of the hall.

Q: Do you accept credit card?

A: Yes, VISA, MASTER, AMEX and JCB CARD are accepted.

Q: Can I use foreign currency, other than Japanese yens?

A: No, we are sorry to say that only Japanese yens are accepted for the time being.

Q: Is breakfast included in the listed price?

A: No. Small kitchen is available on the 1st floor, so you could prepare your breakfast of your taste. Food market is right across the street.

Q: Is there a convenience store near-by the hotel?

A: Yes, actually there are a couple of them. Also, a middle-size super market is just across the street.

Q: How safe is your hotel in case of earthquake?

A: Our building is brand-new, with quake absorption device installed in the base. In fact, we survived 3/11 earthquake without damage at all.

VISA, MASTER, AMEX and JCB CARD are accepted.

FREE Drinks!

We offers free hot drinks on the lobby all day.